FSSC 22000 Certification V5.1
FSSC 22000 is Internationally accepted Certification scheme for Food Industry supply chain. It is blending of ISO 22000:2018, PRP Standard and Additional Requirements of FSSC Foundation.
FSSC 22000 is the advance version of the existing scghemes of all GFSI recognized scheme. It is highly standardized scheme which is catering the real requirements for the food hygiene.
Very Recently FSSC has given the new version of the FSSC scheme as FSSC 22000 version 5.1. The main areas where the FSSC 22000 V5.1 emphasis are as follows :
- Provide more Strength the CB licensing process and the integrity program
- Insertion of the BOS list in the new version and implementation
The new Version of FSSC 22000 V5.1 is applicable to all the Companies which are going to be audited after 1st April, 2021. No company shall be audited against the old version.